Medical translation entails a great deal of responsibility, as it is essential to preserve the exact meaning of the source text and to make accurate use of industry-specific terminology.

Medical translation must cover all sectors and disciplines: general medicine, paediatrics, cardiology, endocrinology, pulmonology, gynaecology and many others.

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    • Translation of training courses
    • Translation of medical reports
    • Translation of medical files
    • Translation of medical records
    • Translation of medical publications
    • Translation of protocols
    • Translation of clinical trials
    • Translation of medical research
    • Translation of patient documents
    • Translation of specialised websites


    Pharmaceutical translation is mainly characterised by the complexity of its vocabulary, due to its close relationship with medicine. This type of translation, therefore, requires a high degree of specialisation and extensive documentation on the subject. It is also important to have in-depth knowledge of the protocols followed by industry bodies. The European Medicines Agency and its Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use are responsible for assessing the safety, quality and efficacy of medicines and authorising their subsequent marketing in Europe. These bodies, among others, regulate the information that must appear in patient information leaflets, on labels and in product information sheets, so it is essential to be familiar with their terminology. Some examples of translations in the pharmaceutical field:

    • Translation of pharmaceutical products
    • Translation of patient information leaflets
    • Translation of clinical trials
    • Translation of medication packaging
    • Translation of pharmacological studies
    • Translation of articles in scientific journals
    • Translation focused on advertising pharmaceutical products
    • Translation of specialised websites
    • Translation of laboratory documentation
    • Translation of legislation and pharmacological regulations
    • Translation of pharmaceutical marketing texts
    • Translation of material safety data sheets


    • We have been helping companies in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors to internationalise for over 20 years.
    • With 8,000 professional native translators, we have the right team for any project.
    • Confidentiality and documentation security protocols.
    • We apply very strict quality standards. That is why all our practices are aligned with ISO 17100:2015, the most demanding international quality certification.