A website in different languages: how to make it accessible

Website accessibility

Keywords: website translations, translate a web page, multilingual website, multi-language website, website translation tool

In everyday life, accessibility is something that often isn't given the time it deserves - or needs. And it's similar with websites in different languages. Which is somewhat strange, given that to varying degrees, accessibility is part of website translation process. It not only makes websites more inclusive, it's an essential part of ensuring a website grows globally, reaching new markets.

So today, we're giving you a ticket to the wonderful world of website accessibility. Hop on, learn something new and harness its powers in your company expansion. Are you wondering how you can create a multi-language website that's accessible too?» Read on and find out.

The importance of having an accessible multi-language website

If you're a business owner, this won't be the first time you've thought about translating your website into different languages, right? Entirely understandable, given the steady growth you can enjoy when you get your online presence right. After all, if nobody can see you, you don't exist.

Meanwhile, the accessibility sector encompasses a broad range of areas - not only those focused on using website translation tools. On this journey, use the concept of universal accessibility (services that are usable by all people in terms of safety, comfort and autonomy) as your guide. Did you know that, according to the World Health Organization, there are more than 100 million people with disabilities, representing 15% of the world's population? Now add to the equation the possibility that your buyer persona could be someone with a disability who speaks another language. Website accessibility is vital.

Does having a multi-language website help you grow globally?

It goes without saying; the better your website localisation and accessibility, the greater the number of potential customers and conversions you could get. And this is true from the regional level all the way to the international.

Are you familiar with internationalisation? Because this process has a lot to do with your global growth: we're talking about having a marketing strategy with the power to tailor your service to different markets - without the changes throwing you off course.

A multilingual website may well be more than enough to respond to your commercial woes, starting with integrating your products in other geographical areas. But if you decide to forge ahead and translate your website, it's a good idea to be aware of the various translation services out there, the solutions that make the journey go smoothly, and whether it's a good idea to automatically translate a website.

The benefits of making your multilingual website accessible

So, how is commercial expansion linked to web accessibility? If someone from a faraway market lands on your website and can see the interface has been adapted to their needs, it shows you've got them covered. Clearly put, it'll be easier for them to navigate your website - whether or not they have a disability that affects their digital experience.

If you want to make your website accessible, you need a clear outline of the procedures to follow: draft clear, simply structured text that conveys your message to everyone effectively; use appropriate fonts (the importance of this depends on your audience: certain fonts, for example, help people with dyslexia, severe visual disabilities or people who use voice reading systems) or use alternative wording in images and graphics.

Things aren't so different with a multilingual website: it's all about making changes to ensure all people get the same experience; the result is a website that suits both people with disabilities or anyone outside your area of influence. Wouldn't that be great?

multi-language websites

What challenges might you come across when making your multilingual website accessible?

Let's start with the basics. Translating a multilingual website is a specialisation, and getting the translation right requires the right knowledge and strategies. It's not something you can get done in a couple of days; but if you prioritise the key elements to ensure your website is accessible, you'll be more than pleased with the results.

No doubt you're wondering what those key elements are. The most important ones include good international SEO that can reach a geographically diverse audience, choosing specific languages for your website translation based on your target markets, and working with the right website translation service - something you cannot ignore if you're looking for a quality multilingual website that can break new borders. to to



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